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Decline in academic performance and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional survey among Sapienza University of Rome students

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented disruption in education systems worldwide due to closures of schools and universities and forced changes in educational administration (1). Among the measures to prevent contagion that institutions had to implement, the transition from in-person teaching to remote or hybrid instruction was unquestionably the most impactful (2). This rapid … Leer más

Assessment of the dynamics of inpatient health care delivery in Poland before and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic

Healthcare systems around the world have been facing further challenges determined by an increasing demand for patient care (not necessarily those with/after COVID19). Combined with subjective factors (fear, disinformation, telemedicine and mobility limitations), channels of healthcare delivery for all beneficiaries are being disrupted12,13,14,15,16,17. When healthcare systems are overwhelmed, as was the case with pandemic, and … Leer más