I Asked Veterans To Anonymously Share If They’re Voting For Kamala Harris Or Donald Trump — Here’s What They Revealed

Hello, everyone! With 61 days until Election Day, we’re back for another round of BuzzFeed’s 2024 Election Diaries!

This weekly series highlights different groups of voters nationwide to find out what political issues are most important to them AND who they plan to support for president in 2024.

Veterans have been a hot topic after Donald Trump’s most recent scandal at a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery.

Donald Trump places a wreath with military personnel at a ceremonial event while a woman in a wheelchair and a security guard observeDonald Trump places a wreath with military personnel at a ceremonial event while a woman in a wheelchair and a security guard observe

Nur Photo / Getty Iimages

In photos posted online, Trump is seen smiling and holding a thumbs-up while standing over the gravesite of fallen soldiers. It’s also been reported that two members of Trump’s campaign staff had both physical and verbal altercations with a cemetery employee who tried to stop them from filming and photographing in a particular respected area of the cemetery.

  Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images  Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images

Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images

Many have called out Trump for seemingly using the visit as a photo opportunity, while others have praised him for showing his support for military families. We wanted to hear from veterans themselves, so we asked them to share which presidential candidate they plan to support and what issues matter most to them.

Military personnel in camouflage uniforms saluting, with a close-up of an American flag patch on a sleeveMilitary personnel in camouflage uniforms saluting, with a close-up of an American flag patch on a sleeve

roibu / Getty Images

We received hundreds of responses, and our poll found that 82.1% of veteran respondents support Kamala Harris for president.

A smiling woman stands at a podium, wearing a professional suit, with an American flag in the backgroundA smiling woman stands at a podium, wearing a professional suit, with an American flag in the background

Anadolu / Getty Images

15.7% expressed support for Donald Trump.

Donald Trump speaking, wearing a dark suit and red tie, with an expressive faceDonald Trump speaking, wearing a dark suit and red tie, with an expressive face

Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images

Whether you agree with their political opinions or not, here’s what 19 Veterans had to say anonymously:

All photos are AI-generated.

1.“My top priority is not using Veterans as a political power grab, such as calling them suckers/losers or putting a thumbs-up at a gravesite for pictures.”

Polaroid of Ben, 34, AZ in military uniform with text: Harris Voter. "My top priority is not using veterans as a political power grab...poor excuse of a man."Polaroid of Ben, 34, AZ in military uniform with text: Harris Voter. "My top priority is not using veterans as a political power grab...poor excuse of a man."

2.“I worry about my trans friends having the continued ability to serve alongside me if Trump gets elected. I also worry about Trump’s statements about becoming a ‘dictator on day 1,’ saying people won’t need to vote again, etc. We don’t need a Putin or Hitler.”

Harris Voter quote: “I worry about my trans friends serving if Trump gets elected. I worry about Trump's statements becoming dictator. We don’t need another Hitler.” Photo of Akash, 47, CAHarris Voter quote: “I worry about my trans friends serving if Trump gets elected. I worry about Trump's statements becoming dictator. We don’t need another Hitler.” Photo of Akash, 47, CA

Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

3.“I really want to see a pay increase for active duty members. I’m voting for Trump because he has consistently demonstrated his support for our military members and their needs and will continue to improve the military when reelected.”

Michael, 66, LA, wears a hat with badges. Note: "TRUMP Voter," stating support for Trump due to his commitment to military members and criticism of opponentsMichael, 66, LA, wears a hat with badges. Note: "TRUMP Voter," stating support for Trump due to his commitment to military members and criticism of opponents

4.“The fact that Project 2025 is talking about only letting Veterans get either retirement or disability is absurd. Trump’s weird relationship with dictators is troubling, as well as the fact that he stated that no one would have to vote again after this election.”

Harris Voter. Enola, 39, PA in military attire. Opinion on Project 2025 described as absurd, critical of Trump and voter impact. Mentions Kamala Harris and Tim WalzHarris Voter. Enola, 39, PA in military attire. Opinion on Project 2025 described as absurd, critical of Trump and voter impact. Mentions Kamala Harris and Tim Walz

5.“Army disabled Veteran and mom of a daughter here. I am voting for Harris. I don’t give a single crap we left crap in a war zone. I’m tired of everyone using that as a catalyst for Biden’s administration. What matters to me is my daughter’s health and future. While I will fight our enemies for our country, I refuse to believe hate should rule this country.”

Text on the image is a testimonial by Adrianna, 36, NC, an army veteran and mother. She supports Harris for president, emphasizing her concern for veterans, women, and children's futuresText on the image is a testimonial by Adrianna, 36, NC, an army veteran and mother. She supports Harris for president, emphasizing her concern for veterans, women, and children's futures

6.“Combat readiness and VA benefits are my top priorities. Like many Veterans, I love this country and have zero trust in our government. Anyone with a ‘D’ or an ‘R’ after their name ultimately cares nothing about the public or those who have served and sacrificed for this country. They are elected to serve. They do the dance for the election cycle and then just follow orders from their respective party, not their constituents.”

Undecided poster with a quote about military and veteran issues, and a photo of Jackson, 44, CA in military attireUndecided poster with a quote about military and veteran issues, and a photo of Jackson, 44, CA in military attire

“So many ideas are often bounced around about what is best for our country. Abolish the political parties, establish term limits in all elected positions, hold those elected accountable, and watch massive change happen.”

Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

7.“Trump literally has no respect for active military and Veterans. I rely on my VA disability benefits to survive, and Trump’s 2025 plan would limit, if not abolish, access to these benefits. I’m also tired of men making decisions about women’s bodies.”

Harris Voter note and photo of Tiana, 37, from MD, in military uniform. The note criticizes Trump's lack of respect for veterans and concerns over his 2025 plan affecting VA benefitsHarris Voter note and photo of Tiana, 37, from MD, in military uniform. The note criticizes Trump's lack of respect for veterans and concerns over his 2025 plan affecting VA benefits

Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

8.“My biggest concern is the possibility of another war. I believe Trump is a dangerous man. I believe Harris will make the best decisions for our country and our allies. My husband is also an 11-year Veteran and feels the same way. My ex-husband is an eight-year Veteran and will also be voting for Harris.”

A handwritten note pinned on a corkboard reads a concern about war and mentions support for Harris. Next to it is a photo of Steph, 55, OH, in a military uniformA handwritten note pinned on a corkboard reads a concern about war and mentions support for Harris. Next to it is a photo of Steph, 55, OH, in a military uniform

Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

9.“I cannot, in good faith, support someone like Tim Walz, who has repeatedly misrepresented his rank and claimed to be a combat Veteran. That is flat-out stolen valía. I’m not arguing his years of service, but EVERY person that served knows exactly what their Rank was when they exited.”

A Trump voter sharing the reasons why they're supporting him in the upcoming presidential electionA Trump voter sharing the reasons why they're supporting him in the upcoming presidential election

Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

10.“I’m supporting VPOTUS Harris. She has demonstrated respect for the rule of law over her long, distinguished career. As a Veteran, I fought to protect our country and our values””

Journalized testimonial for Harris by Mary, 43, FL: Supports Harris for VPOTUS. Trump disrespects rule of law; Harris protects veterans' rights and the constitutionJournalized testimonial for Harris by Mary, 43, FL: Supports Harris for VPOTUS. Trump disrespects rule of law; Harris protects veterans' rights and the constitution

11.“I simply dislike Trump’s perception of what he thinks he is and can do. His attitude toward military personnel and veterans is skewed by the fact that he was a silver spoon heir.”

Note with text about Harris Voter and photo of Cara, 66, WA in military uniformNote with text about Harris Voter and photo of Cara, 66, WA in military uniform

12.“The character of the commander-in-chief is most important. Kamala and Tim care about veterans and everyone else. Donald only cares about himself and his rich friends. Further, I truly believe that if allowed, he would use the military to punish those that disagreed with him and/or to stay in power past his four-year term.”

A handwritten note attached with a red pin says, "Harris Voter" and includes a quote supporting Kamala and Tim. Beside it, a photo of Derek, 52, UTA handwritten note attached with a red pin says, "Harris Voter" and includes a quote supporting Kamala and Tim. Beside it, a photo of Derek, 52, UT

Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

13.“Passing the Major Richard Star Act is my top priority. I’m voting for Trump because he is the only one actually qualified to be president. A vote for Harris and the phony Walz will likely bring us closer to communism and could get us into WW III if Biden doesn’t before the election.”

A Trump voter sharing the reasons why they're supporting him in the upcoming presidential election.A Trump voter sharing the reasons why they're supporting him in the upcoming presidential election.

Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

14.“I have fears of the US slowly turning into an authoritarian theocracy under conservative rule. I am concerned with policies over the years from conservatives that seem to show a propaganda love of active duty service members while simultaneously dismissing or neglecting Veterans.”

“Harris Voter, Marcus, 49, TX, in military uniform, expresses concern over conservative policies affecting active duty service members and veterans.”“Harris Voter, Marcus, 49, TX, in military uniform, expresses concern over conservative policies affecting active duty service members and veterans.”

Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

15.“Trump intentionally hid secret documents, lied, and has been very disrespectful to the Veteran community. If I had ever had a commander behave like that, they would have been reprimanded and relieved of command! Also, how can he keep his security clearance after being a convicted criminal?”

Harris Voter: Quote from Rickea, 39, TX, in military uniform, criticizing Trump's handling of documents and questioning his security clearance given his criminal recordHarris Voter: Quote from Rickea, 39, TX, in military uniform, criticizing Trump's handling of documents and questioning his security clearance given his criminal record

Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

16.“Our national security is my top priority, especially regarding our southern border. From what I’ve seen, the Democratic platform is extremely weak on illegal immigration.”

A message from Linc, 67, NC, reading: "Our national security is my top priority, especially regarding our southern border. From what I’ve seen, the Democratic platform is extremely weak on illegal immigration." The message is pinned to a corkboardA message from Linc, 67, NC, reading: "Our national security is my top priority, especially regarding our southern border. From what I’ve seen, the Democratic platform is extremely weak on illegal immigration." The message is pinned to a corkboard

Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

17.“I’m voting for Kamala Harris because I know that Trump doesn’t respect the Constitution. I raised my right hand to defend it. Also, he’s a draft dodger; he has called us suckers and losers and is an embarrassment to the USA.”

Note pinned on a corkboard reading "Harris Voter" with a quote supporting Kamala Harris. Next to it, a photo of Reagan, 63, IL, wearing a hat with pinsNote pinned on a corkboard reading "Harris Voter" with a quote supporting Kamala Harris. Next to it, a photo of Reagan, 63, IL, wearing a hat with pins

Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

18.“Sexual assault and harassment that female service members experience at such a high rate is egregious. This issue needs to be addressed immediately, and resources need to be deployed to those Veterans who continue to suffer from their experiences.”

Harris voter Dana, 33, from KS, endorses Kamala Harris, stressing the need to address harassment faced by female service members and providing support for veteransHarris voter Dana, 33, from KS, endorses Kamala Harris, stressing the need to address harassment faced by female service members and providing support for veterans

“I’m voting for Kamala because she makes me believe the change she will lead our country through will be more substantial than a moderate party candidate.”

Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

And finally…

19.“Trump doesn’t belong anywhere near hallowed sites like Arlington or Normandy. He’s done nothing but disparage Veterans and their sacrifices. He’s a traitor. He’s a coward and has absolutely no idea what selfless service is.”

A Harris voter sharing the reasons they're supporting her in the upcoming presidential election.A Harris voter sharing the reasons they're supporting her in the upcoming presidential election.

Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, and we’ll see you next round!

Responses have been edited for length/clarity.

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