How a Navy sailor fell off his ship, played dumb — and became a Vietnam POW hero

The front-page newspaper photograph was striking on the morning of April 6, 1967 — a dramatic image showing the U.S.S. Canberra firing at Communist targets from the warship’s position in the Gulf of Tonkin. Little did those readers know – his shipmates certainly didn’t – that one of the Canberra’s most junior sailors was struggling … Read more

He bought a cruise ship on Craigslist and spent over $1 million restoring it. Then his dream sank

Buying a historic cruise ship he found on Craigslist back in 2008 was undoubtedly a life-altering decision for Chris Willson. The technology entrepreneur from Utah spent around 15 years painstakingly restoring the 293-foot vessel, which contains 85 cabins, a swimming pool and a theater, and even moved on board with his long-term partner Jin Li. … Read more

Water From Your Eyes anuncia nuevo EP y comparte una traducción de ‘The Good Ship Lifestyle’ de Chumbawamba

Water From Your Eyes ha anunciado un EP de versiones, Reproductor de MP3 1que llega este viernes 12 de julio a través de Matador. Incluye versiones de canciones de Adele, Al Green, Third Eye Blind y Chumbawamba, y hoy han ofrecido su traducción de la canción de Chumbawamba de 1997 ‘The Good Ship Lifestyle’. Escúchala … Read more