Who is House in House v. NCAA settlement? Meet the man behind the lawsuit that will change college sports forever

  Just a few short months ago, Grant House moved through life like any other former college athlete. Sure, fans occasionally recognized him. Perhaps there was even a request for an autograph or picture too. But for the most part, he lived a quiet post-college existence. Now, all of that has changed. He’s the target … Read more

Trump, repitiendo viejas mentiras en ‘Meet the Press’, afirma falsamente que Estados Unidos es el único país con ciudadanía por origen

El presidente electo Donald Trump repitió numerosas afirmaciones falsas durante una entrevista transmitida el domingo en “Meet the Press” de NBC, incluida su vieja mentira de que Estados Unidos es el único país del mundo con ciudadanía por principio. Trump reiteró su intención de intentar poner fin a la ciudadanía por principio, según la cual, … Read more