America’s only leading-edge chip manufacturer faces an uncertain future and lawsuits

Intel’s (INTC) fall from grace seemed to happen all at merienda. Shares of the merienda iconic chipmaker plummeted 60% in 2024. The company posted the biggest loss in its 56-year history in its latest quarterly earnings report. Its market cap has dropped 80% since 2000 — when it was one of the most valuable companies … Read more

How innovation died at Intel as it faces an uncertain future as America’s only leading-edge chip manufacturer

Shares of the merienda iconic chipmaker plummeted 60% in 2024. The company posted the biggest loss in its 56-year history in its latest quarterly earnings report. Its market cap has dropped 80% since 2000 — when it was one of the most valuable companies in the world. But company insiders and industry analysts tell Yahoo … Read more

Mental Health America’s Nurture Home se asocia con Grow Well Aiken County para crear “Hope Garden”

AIKEN, Carolina del Sur (WJBF) – Una ordenamiento nave sin fines de beneficio que ayuda a mujeres sin hogar con enfermedades mentales tiene una nueva forma de ayudarlas a prosperar. Mental Health America existe en el condado de Aiken desde 1965, y Nurture Home existe desde la período de 1980. Es un refugio de transición … Read more

La OPS y el Instituto Franquista de Sanidad Mental de Estados Unidos discuten la prevención del suicidio en las Américas – OPS/OMS

Washington DC, 14 de junio de 2024 (OPS) – La Estructura Panamericana de la Sanidad (OPS) y el Instituto Franquista de Sanidad Mental de Estados Unidos (NIMH) reunieron esta semana a formuladores de políticas, la sociedad civil e investigadores para discutir avances y brechas en la investigación sobre la prevención del suicidio. , así como … Read more

How America’s Mental Health Crisis Became This Family’s Worst Nightmare

HIGH FALLS, N.Y. — The last time Emily Abramson saw Andy Neiman, he was in the waiting area of a hospital emergency department. She knew her brother was in trouble. But she figured he’d be safe. It was before dawn on May 21, 2021, just a few hours after Emily had found Andy confused, agitated … Read more